Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Week 1(b) Day 2

Wow... best day so far. Easily.

First, my running partner not only showed up for Day 2, he actually showed up BEFORE me and I was 2 minutes early. Way to go running partner!

Due to the calves being set on fire during the last workout, I was much more dedicated to stretching my calves in addition to my quads before I started on the treadmill today. It was probably a combination of this and just getting back into shape, but I had no muscle burning/cramping during my workout at all. A very welcome change!

I actually found today pretty easy. Easy enough, in fact, that I found myself pushing a little harder during some of the intervals. My cardio felt good doing my normal speeds so I decided to go a little harder and still handled it pretty easily. I ended up covering 1/10 of a mile more (up to 1.85 miles now) and even hit a max running speed of 7MPH. Admittedly, the 7MPH was a bit much but I managed it for 30 seconds and then dropped down to 6.5MPH for the other half of that interval (it was my last interval and I just wanted to finish strong).

Still, it felt GOOD to know I could go 7MPH without my legs killing me. It was the cardio that wasn't keeping up at that pace very well. Still, I did most of my intervals at 5.5MPH but did several at 6MPH and felt great doing it. Recovery time was still good and I feel great.

I also did some light weightlifting for about 25 minutes at the end as well (shoulders, pecs, shins, calves, and quads).

Today was the first day in a long time I actually felt somewhat athletic again. I didn't feel like some fat guy huffing it out on a treadmill.

My favorite things so far is still the feeling I get when I first finish and I walk but feel like I'm still running. Love that.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. I actully say "I am going running" instead of saying "I am going walking"
