Monday, August 17, 2009

The Real C25K - Week 1

So I was on my way to the gym this morning at about 5:35, figuring working out alone would be my reality when my phone rang. It was my new (as "new" as one could be when the "old" never even showed up for the first day) running partner! He was about 30 minutes away (I was about 3 minutes away) and he still had to fill out his paperwork and get signed-up at the gym.

So, I went upstairs and did some light weight training. Again did 3x10 each of flys, seated military press, and hack squats.

My new partner showed up and got signed up, so we went back upstairs and into the cardio room. I'm very happy to say I completed the full W1D1 regimen today as scheduled, no extended walking breaks! I did this as follows:

5-minute warm-up walk starting at 3.2MPH and increasing to 3.5MPH.
60 second jog at 5.5MPH
90 second walk at 3.5MPH
60 second jog at 5.5MPH
90 second walk at 3.5MPH
60 second jog at 5.2MPH
90 second walk at 3.2MPH
60 second jog at 5.2MPH
90 second walk at 3.2MPH
60 second jog at 5.2MPH
90 second walk at 3.2MPH
60 second jog at 5.2MPH
90 second walk at 3.2MPH
60 second jog at 5.5MPH
90 second walk at 3.2MPH
60 second jog at 6.0MPH - My fastest run speed to date since starting this a week ago, handled it just fine. Good confidence builder.
90 second walk at 3.2MPH
120 second cool down walk at 2.5MPH

So, the total C25K style workout was 27 minutes and I covered right at 1.75 miles.

Onward and upward!


  1. wow that is great. I am glad you found a partner to workout with. that should be a motivator

  2. I'm so proud of you Eric! Good job! Keep up the good work!!
